Thursday, January 7, 2010

What happens if you put washer fluid in brake fluid container?

You'll have to flush your brake system out. Even if you haven't applied the brakes yet, you will never get all the contaminants out of the reservoir. If you don't know how to bleed your brakes, then take the vehicle to a repair shop.What happens if you put washer fluid in brake fluid container?
You will not be able to stop your car.

You better tow it in somewhere and have it drained, flushed and properly filled.What happens if you put washer fluid in brake fluid container?
A clean Brake!!!!
Uh, your car won't stop when you hit the brake pedal. But at least you'll have very clean brakes.
well, its not good. You'd better have a mechanicly minded person clean out your brake lines for you. You will probably have to bleed and refill the entire brake system now. dont be driving it anywhere. brake fluid doesnt compress like water does. it has to be solid in there to push your brake calipers shut.
';Is This Real??';

No Brakes, Destroys Seals in Master %26amp; Brake Cylinders!!
if you do drive, keep one hand on the handbrake, and familerise yourself with the concept of slowing down using the gearbox, and not having a brake pedal....
let's c I did that once in a 50 ford and it worked but it's unsafe the water will boil and then hard pedal and no brakes do not do this (it was an emergency on the ford} ray in monterey
Best case scenario: You would have to completely and thoroughly flush the brake system.

Worst case scenario: You would have to completely and thoroughly flush the brake system, as well as replace all of the rubber components (seals, o-rings, etc.)

Either way, it would definitely NOT be safe to drive the car with washer fluid in the brake fluid reservoir.
I wouldn't trust my brakes!!!
your brakes should still work (water is pretty incompressible) but it would be very unsafe for you and the car. It could potentially hurt brake related parts, the soap could hurt seals. It can freeze, boil, and hold bubbles well. You will have to bleed the system until all the water is out
It doesn't sound good so I suggest you shouldn't do that.
You will probably have to have all of the rubber components in your brake hydraulic system replaced.
You will mess up you brakes. You will need to do a complete brake line cleanout, bleed the brakes, and start all over. Until then, you may not have any brakes.

If you are talking about the container that the brake fluid comes in, throw it away.
Container meaning reservoir then you should have the brake system flushed out with fresh fluid something recommended you do every two years if your system uses DOT 3 or 4 brake fluids.

DOT 3 and 4 brake fluid are glycol based and will absorb moisture over time causing corrosion and lowering of the boiling point of the brake fluid. Which in turn will cause problems during hard braking. Washer fluid is mostly water so not good, have it serviced soon.
suck out all you can wtih a turkey baster, then take it to a midas like place for a complete brake flush- 70 bucks. The water will rust and corode your brake lines and calipers if you don't completely flush it, causeing big buck repairs.
The brake fluid container will become much cleaner.

nah, you'll just have shiny disc brakes.

you'll find out, won't you?

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