Sunday, December 20, 2009

I don't have a washer. What's the best way to wash your clothes in the bath tub without any equipment?

I do not recommend stomping around the tub of clothes, it would be very easy to slip and fall. What I recommend, is to buy a new plunger, that you would normally use for a clogged sink. After soaking the clothes in a good detergent, I recommend liquid cheer, an all fabric bleach, Clorox II,

Then using some old fashioned elbow grease, give the clothes a lot of plunging action in the tub, sort of what an agitator in the washer would do. Don't be wimpy about it, except for delicates.Let them soak a little longer. Then rinse, rinse, rinse. Not getting all the detergent out of the clothes will make them dingy. Even with a good washer, I still hand wash a lot of things, and this method should work for you. If you need a tip for drying things and avoiding wrinkles, do not wring them, just let them hang over plastic hangers, just long enough for them to quit dripping. Then smooth out each piece you want to work on, smooth it out, over a clean towel and roll, roll it up for a little while. After the towel has soaked up the majority of the excess water, then remove the clothing, and hang on non-wire hanger, inside out to finish drying. Inside out helps to avoid those annoying bumps you get on the shoulders, from the hangers. Have fun with it. Someday, you'll look back and be so proud how you were able to things without all the modern conveniences. I sure do! I remember when I was first married, new apartment no stove yet, and I wrapped an entire meal in foil, and left it all day covered up on the space heater, (winter of course). When we came home dinner was ready, and quite good. Dinner without a crock pot. I have lots of stories like this, and am proud of how I figured out how to get things done on my own, not at all ashamed. I'll take ingenuity and perseverance over luxuries any day.I don't have a washer. What's the best way to wash your clothes in the bath tub without any equipment?
i had to do that before. you either put soap on the clothes and rub them together or fill the tub with warm water and soap and add the clothes. go in the tub and walk around and stomp on them back and forth. them rinse them out and hang them all over your apartment on hangers.I don't have a washer. What's the best way to wash your clothes in the bath tub without any equipment?
if you have kids, make it a game. and use cold water from the shower to rinse the items afterwards. play the ';wine making game'; with them, get in there and just trudge around.

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